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Chatting. Why Is It So Popular?

In the past letters were the only and the best way of chatting. Then phones were invented, so people spent hours talking on the phones. Of course, that cost a lot, so not everybody could afford to chat with friends, lovers, or family. But technology keeps moving forward, so today we have numerous chatting platforms. Every social media is a chatting platform. Dating sites are more popular than ever because they let everybody meet people with similar interests and desires. Chatting is so popular because it’s convenient, and everybody can find the type of chat perfect for them.

Types of Chat

Different types of chat exist for the same reason different types of ice-cream flavors exist. Not everybody likes or wants the same. We’ll list some of the most popular types of chat below. Most of them happen on dating sites, at least in the beginning. Later they move to social media or texting.

Casual Dating

Chat on casual dating sites is one of the two biggest chat categories. Casual and serious dating are categories in which all the other chatting types we’ll mention fit, but we separated them to show how colorful chatting is. Casual dating chat is popular because it’s exciting and makes the time fly. Singles exchange photos and videos on casual dating sites. That happens on serious dating sites too, but let’s say pictures and videos in casual chat get hot much sooner than on sites where people want to fall in love and settle down. Here it’s all about fun and adventure.


Serious dating chat is the opposite of casual dating chat. People on dating sites for love-seeking spend hours chatting because they want to bond and create meaningful connections. They exchange photos and videos too, but those are less likely to be spicy like casual dating sites. At least at first, later serious daters relax and become equally naughty. One could say that the difference between serious and casual dating is only in the time needed to mention physical pleasure.

Now when you know the two biggest chat categories, it’s time to check out some of the most popular categories that can be both serious and casual. In the end, we have another big category, but it’s the last because it’s less popular.


Bisexual dating sites are more popular than straight people think. It’s impossible to understand how many bisexuals use bisexual chat to get dates until you join the site and see thousands of people are online at any moment. Bisexual chat is more likely to be casual than serious, but some bisexuals seek love through chatting as well.


Long before any other kind of dating site existed, the straight chat was connecting singles worldwide. There are hundreds of dating sites for straight singles. It doesn’t matter what kind of chat they are seeking. When straight people want to chat with each other, they can because there are so many options. Don’t get us wrong, LGBTQ+ members have unlimited options today as well. That’s visible from the next category.


Gay chat is the second most popular chatting category behind straight chat. Gays enjoy seducing each other on casual sites or bonding with each other on sites for serious dating. Lesbian chat is as popular as male gay chat. With so many gay singles coming out, we assume the popularity of gay chat will only be better with time.


International chat is a category that includes straight, gay, bisexual, and any other kind of chat. Its main trait is connecting people who live far away from each other. Thanks to that, it’s popular among people who’d love to travel but can’t afford it. Or people who want to learn about different cultures first hand.


We mentioned that the last type of chat is a big category that’s not as popular as serious or casual chatting. Friendly chatting is for people in happy relationships who struggle to make friends in person. They join the friendly chat to talk about their interests. Some of the most popular friend chat topics are cooking, traveling, movies, and video games.

What’s the Secret?

By now, it should be obvious why online chatting is so popular. The number of categories alone is a clue. The secret behind the popularity of chat and dating sites is their diversity. Everybody who wants to meet people with similar interests can do it if they choose a good chatting platform. Sexual orientation or the type of connection they want to make is irrelevant because everybody has similar desires. No matter who you are, there are thousands of people in the same situation with the same wishes. That’s why chatting online will keep getting more popular every day.

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